Monday, March 22, 2010

Comming Back Again!

I know its been a while since any work was done on DojoCake, but I'm getting back to it now so expect some new features. Since CakePHP 1.3.0 is close to being stable (it's now at 1.3.0-RC2), I'll be focusing mostly on DojoCake 1.3. Keep checking back as I will post soon on the features being developed. And as always, let me know if you'd like to jump on board the development team!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Ticket system up and running

DojoCake now has a ticket system with You can browse and add tickets at

DojoCake 1.3 Alpha released

Well, the big step has been taken. DojoCake 1.3 Alpha is now available to the public. Now don't be mistaken, this is not nesicarily better than 0.1.0. Infact, it is essntially the same. But it is written for CakePHP 1.3 (hence Dojo Cake's version 1.3). It has conformed to the new Js engine rules, and supports the domReady, each, event, get, request, and serilize functions. Note: Dojo Cake 1.3 will ONLY work with CakePHP 1.3. It is NOT backwards compatible.

We hope to eventually offer all the functions that the Js engine offers, and much more. We will post the features as we release them. Also, we will be slowly be transfering seperate use of the files into the single use of the $js helper. Our plan is to use them as similar to the actual layout of dojo. For example, to use BorderContainer, you would access it like so: $js->layout->BorderContainer(). So far, none of the other helpers have been migrated. But we plan to migrate one every release. So by version 1.3.3, everything will be moved.

DojoCake BETA is here!!!

Alright. After hard sweat and toil, I have finally made DojoCake as simple to set up as humanly possible. As of v0.1.0 Beta, all you have to do to get DojoCake up and running is add $dojo->start() and echo $scripts_for_layout to your header. THAT'S ALL!!! Note: Because of the major change in use, this version is NOT compatible with the previous versions. I will be writing tutorials on how to use the new verion on the projects wiki: Please start testing it out and letting me know how it works for you.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

DojoCake 1.3?!?!

Yep, it's true. Although this is not the real versioning, I decided to label the upcoming release this as a way to advertise the use of the new Js engine in CakePHP 1.3. As of 1.3, CakePHP rewrote their javascript helper with an abstraction layer. Now, instead of only supporiting one javascript engine, Prototype, now all javascript frameworks can be supported by writing a javascript engine file. That's what DojoCake 1.3 will be. New features will be released, never before seen. Stay tuned to find out when it will come!

DojoCake blog now running!

So now our project finally has a blog. Hopefully we'll be able to keep you updated on releases and our development ideas! Keep watching to see where we'll go!